To drive fame for the Walkers Giants snacks range at Halloween and amplify the ‘Scarily Giant’ campaign platform, we launched limited edition ‘Scarily Giant Snackstumes’, Walkers’ first ever range of Halloween costumes, giving big kids all over the UK the chance to dress up as scarily giant versions of their favourite snacks.​

The campaign began with the launch of the ‘Scarily Giant Snackstumes’ with a press release issued to media, packaged up with lifestyle and cut out imagery of the costumes. ​Positioned as the ultimate Halloween costume or 2023, allowing the nation to dress up as ‘scarily giant’ versions of their favourite snacks.

Following the launch, we briefed Sam Thompson and Pete Wicks (3.3M Instagram Followers combined) to create some playful content heroing the Scarily Giant Snackstumes as well as positioning Walkers Giants as the perfect Halloween snack.​ In a Reel posted collaboratively across both their channels and subsequently posted and boosted across Walkers owned channels, Sam and Pete go ‘Trick-Or-Treating’ to Made In Chelsea Co-Star Louise Thompson’s house, wearing the Scarily Giant Snackstumes.​

To maintain momentum for the campaign and secure a further burst of coverage and talkability over Halloween weekend, we created a bespoke plush Wotsit Giant costume for comedian and known Wotsit-enthusiast, Katherine Ryan.​ We conducted a ‘paparazzi’ style shoot with Katherine going out on the town ‘looking like a snack’, with resulting imagery sold into showbiz media, generating mass coverage across national, broadcast, regional and consumer media.​ Katherine’s accompanying Instagram post was a huge hit with her followers, generating over 46k likes and 700 comments.​

The multiphase campaign got everyone eating, dressing and talking about the Giants snacks range in the lead up to and over Halloween, with 117 pieces of coverage, 95.8k influencer engagements and a combined OTS of 144 million.


